Saturday, August 21, 2010

HELP!! MAY-JOR ingrown toe nail on the left side!!!?

i need help!! i kicked my nail in a few weeks ago and now the left side of my toe nail has grown down!! its so swollen that i cant even pull the skin back to cut it!! its soo painful!! what do i do!! i cant bear it i cant even walk on my foot its that bad!!HELP!! MAY-JOR ingrown toe nail on the left side!!!?
i get them all the freaking time! nails grow naturally annoying..

Goto the chiropodist asap and get it professionally done, as it my turn into an infection.. bathe it in salt water in the mean time to keep it clean and prevent any infections.. xx

Dont listen to what other people have said.. doctor wont do anything, i know about in grown nails.. the chiropodist will dig out the nail thats ingrown in and hurting you.. good luck.HELP!! MAY-JOR ingrown toe nail on the left side!!!?
you're welcome hun.. hope it truns out ok, you shouldnt lose your nail, just have some taken out.. it will be fine im sure. xxx

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ooops i meant hope it TURNS out ok... xx

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The only thing you can do is go to the doctor. he will give you a Novocaine shot to numb it and then cut it out. You need to do this as soon as possible. As little as these things are they can become quite serious if not attended to promptly. I had these all the time growing up, and finally had surgery on my toe to make the nail on that side stop growing. Take my advise, before you regret it!
You might have to see a doctor if you can't get it.

You can always try to lessen the swelling - ice your toe, elevate it, take some anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen or tylenol and then see if you can get it yourself.

You need to go see a doctor it could be come infected then they will have to remove the nail or worst your toe, make sure when you cut your toe nails that you cut them flat and not round them off like you would your finger nails.
Join the club.

You will have to go to the doctors about it. Pain killers might take the edge off the pain, but unless you go get the nail removed, it could end with an infection and your toe been amputated.

surgery. they fix this all the time.

Or wait until it abscesses and then drain the abscess yourself, cut the skin away and remove the offending nail.

and get an infection.
i have this problem too :/

i've had it for a long time, like a few weeks.

the best thing about the skin.. is to soak in the bath and then grit your teeth as you pull it backk and dig out the ingrown part.
You have to go to the doctor.

The sooner you go the less chance you will eventually have to have surgery to fix it.
I use to get them alot from the wrong type of shoes. I had always gone to the doctor, for this problem. I have heard that if you let it. . .go, then your toe can become infected. Go to the doctor.
You may need to go see the doctor. They will have to pull out the knife and bone scraper. Soak it in epsom salts with hot water in the meantime.
You should have done something about it earlier, you may have to have your nail removed, sorry. Seek professional advice.
u should go to the doc. and have them do it 4 u i think they numb it a lil so u wont feel that much pain. good luck i no how much they hurt
Wait for it to grow a little, and when it grows slightly, cut it, do it FAST.
Soak your foot in salt water,that helps a lot,and then try to go to a doctor so he can pull it out.
Ooh, That's bad, I guess you got to wait for it to heal. (Don't worry, your body will take care of it.)
Bite it off! nom..nom...nom!
ewwwwwww wtf

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