Saturday, August 21, 2010

His toe nail came off!?

About 2 months ago my husband received a black toenail from running. This morning it came off. Underneath the toenail was a soft light red puffy sort of tissue that takes up about 50% of the toenail bed. I've used hydrogen peroxide, and I put a bandaid over with a little triple antibiotic ointment. Is there anything else I need to do to it? And should it be red and puffy like that?

His toe nail came off!?
Umm call the doctor. I think it should grow back just dont let it get infected.His toe nail came off!?
If it only takes up half of the nail bed, that means half of the nail has grown back. I would try warm salt water soaks daily (20 minutes) for both its antiseptic nature and it will toughen up the nail bed. Apply so iodine instead of the triple antibiotic ointment so that the tissues do not remain overly moist. Apply a Bandaid while wearing shoes to limit the friction from the inner shoe surface, but take it off at home to give the toe some air.
Yeah I mean if it fell off, the soft tissue underneath is exposed. I'd give it some time and if it bothers him, go to the doctor. Meanwhile, do your best to keep it from becoming infected!
I think its normal, and maybe leave it uncovered when he can so to let it dry...the nail will grow back but maybe not uniformly... also a pharmacist could give you something you can use...

Hope will get better

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