Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ingrown toe nail?

I went to the doctor a few weeks ago he said I have a ingrown toenail and they want to cut off 2/3 of my toe nail is there a way i can fix this myself without loosing 2/3 of my nail?Ingrown toe nail?
Get it taken care of, the toenail will grow back %26amp; look normal withing a few weeks of removing it. If you you mess around %26amp; don't take care of it right the pain will get worse %26amp; it will get infected, then you risk bone infection (the bone IS right there), blood infection %26amp; the loss of the entire toe, foot %26amp; possibly your life. My husband has almost died of complications of an ingrown toenail three times. It never seems that bad, but last time he was hospitalized - I thought he was nuts until they admitted him %26amp; put him on IV antibiotics for three days %26amp; I had to visit my own husband in the hospital for an ingrown toenail.Ingrown toe nail?
If you wish to try on your own, buy some oragel used for teething. This stuff is great for numbing the area around the ingrown nail. It will allow you to dig out the affecting corner of the nail yourself with little to no pain.. Then start curring your nail straight across until the nail grows past the end of the toe. Good luck
My grandpa had ingrown toenails really bad. They didn't have to cut his nail off. All they did was cut down the sides and then they cauterized the root, killing it just on the sides. He has a toenail still, it just never grows on the sides. Ask your provider about this because cutting off your nail is only a temporary fix and you will end up having it done again later down the road.
You can give your nail a chance to grow out on it's own, otherwise you will have to have it removed. Luckily mine grew out on it's own, but my doctor told me that the only way to get rid of the toenail if doesn't grow out on it's own is to cut the ingrown part out (which usually includes cutting 2/3 of the nail off).
no!! i had it done it was one of the most painfull things ive ever had done.but please dont be put off.
the sooner you do it, the sooner it will grow back and stop causing you pain. you can't fix it unless it's removed. it'll feel so much better, and eventually will look normal again, go for it!
no there actually isnt just soak it in hot water for now
Probably not. Removing that much of the nail right now will likely keep it from ingrowing again. Don't fear it will grow back!
Omg!! i had that jus like two weeks ago. it sucked, it hurt really bad. my toe like was swollen and stuff. expect i didn't go to the doctor... i was crazy enough to fix it myself and it hurt really bad but i managed...this is exactly what i did and after that it didn't hurt anymore.

Get ahold of a metal nail file (because they are very thin) and gently run under the nail from center to edge and carefully lift the edge up as you work out. This will be a bit painful for you right now. When you get to the end (you will have only been using the tip) run the rough body of the file up under the nail and out. There will have been some filings and scaly buildup removed. Do this one or two more times. Just for now to relieve the pressure, take a nail clipper and turn it vertical to the nail and place it centered on the nail and make a small clip (not to the quick). This will relieve the pressure at the sides of the nail for now. Now soak your feet (or yourself) in hot soapy water. Pour a little alcohol or witch hazel on the toe. Keep nail clipped to end of toe, file straight and file under edge 1x per month.
You have to back the toenail up drastically to correct the ingrown problem, cut your toenails streight across, don't round them, that's what causes your problem. I don't think you can cut them back yourself, it will hurt.........#######

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