Sunday, August 1, 2010

Toe Nail Question?

About 10 years ago, a very mean person stepped on my foot with steel-tipped boots. Needless to say, my middle toe was purple for a very long time and the toe nail was crushed. Not having money or insurance at the time to go to the doctor, I let my toe and nail be. Now after 10 years, the toe is no longer purple, but the nail is completely messed up. It looks like a double decker toe nail. An ugly nail, sitting on top of the crushed one. Should I have the entire nail removed and hope that it grows it whole again? If so, what kind of doctor should I be seeking? Thanks.Toe Nail Question?
Please see a podiatristToe Nail Question?
It sounds like the old nail was killed and the new one tried to grow under the old.

I'd see if you can have a doctor remove both, and let a fresh one grow back in properly.
foot doctor
try a doctor plz!
I've had my 2 big toenails removed. The shot is the worst part. After that, just read a magazine and don't watch it and it doesn't really hurt.

It does sound like your old nail is only partially alive, and the nerves were split, causing a new one to grow in. The only reason I'd strongly suggest you find a doctor, is I'm betting you can't trim that, and if you don't, you do risk infection and possible amputation of that toe.

See a doctor.
  • smokey eye
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